A Different Approach to Health and Wellbeing.

A Different Approach to Health and Wellbeing.

Functional Health for Our Modern World

Available at my office in Austin Texas or Virtually Online

Health & Human Design Package

Your Blueprint to Self & Health Sovereignty in 2024

$895 USD

Package Includes

Initial Visit & Complete Health Audit

  • 2 hour Initial Consult with Dr. Kayla Clarke, ND
  • Full Body Systems based health audit with personalized health protocol

Human Design Reading

  • 60 Minute Recorded Human Design Reading & Intake
  • Recorded reading and report

Vagus Nerve Retraining SSP Protocol & Online Program

  • Unlimited Access to the to the Polyvagal Vagus Nerve ReWiring SSP protocol Designed by Dr. Steven Porges.
  • Unlimited Access to Calibrate to Calm: Virtual Course for Understanding Your Nervous System in our Modern World by Dr Kayla Clarke

Ritual Kit by Senchune Elixirs
  • A gift box containing some of my essentials for making wellness your ritual. 
  • Sponsored by Senchune Elixirs

How it Works

My style of medicine is a combo of functional naturopathic medicine, alignment coaching, and intuitive guidance. You can expect elements of holistic + modern medicine, functional labs, human design, and technology with ancient knowledge, tradition, and culture.

Naturopathic Medicine:

New Patient Initial Assessment

$495 USD (available in USA/ Canada Virtually or in Person (Austin, TX))

Package Includes

  • Go from overwhelm & symptom chasing → confident and intuitive health.
  • 2 hour Initial Intake + Foundational Health Assessment
  • Personalized health plan for your growth and expansion plan based on your history and any previous labwork - including diet & nutrition, supplement, nervous system, and intuitive insights.
  • Wholesale access to professional supplements
  • Option to add functional labwork (USA Only)

Step 1: Commit to your health

Book your initial visit when you are ready to get started. If you are unsure, feel free to book a discovery call to chat more. When you book your initial visit, you will receive your intake forms and welcome package with information to complete before your intake. This is all you need to do to start!

Step 2: Foundational Intake + Initial Protocol

Meet with Dr. Kayla for your 90 minute initial visit. This is where we begin to unravel your health. You will receive your personalized treatment protocol and talk about next steps.

You will have the option to get labwork, enter a high level support container, or book follow ups as needed like a traditional doctor. 

Step 3: Human Design Consult

Let's put it all together. After you have an understanding of your health, we'll meet to dive deep into your human design and gene keys. This is where the science meets the soul. Human Designs is a mixture of genetics, ancient Chinese and Indian philosophy, and a little bit of astrology. Discover your energy + intuitive strategy, personality profile, and stop swimming against the current. Learn to claim success and vitality the way you were literally designed to.

Step 4: Dive Deeper

Follow up with Dr. Kayla as needed or as laid out in your packaged plan. Step 1 is usually about opening your detox and drainage pathways.  Once that's complete, we'll move deeper into the body systems, optimizing areas such as gut health, hormone, allergies, nervous system, mental health, and more. You will have the option to work with Dr. Kayla in a traditional book as needed model, or in a more inclusive package. 

Step 1: Commit to your health

Book your initial visit when you are ready to get started. If you are unsure, feel free to book a discovery call to chat more. When you book your initial visit, you will receive your intake forms and welcome package with information to complete before your intake. This is all you need to do to start!

Step 2: Initial Health Consult

Meet with Dr. Kayla for your 90 minute initial visit. This is where we begin to unravel your health.  If labwork is required, I will requisition this after your intake. (If you've already had labwork, I will have you send that to me beforehand)

Step 3: Receive Your Initial Protocol

You will receive your personalized treatment protocol. This includes lifestyle, diet, supplement, labwork, neuroscience, mindset & alternative therapy suggestions. Step 1 is usually about opening your detox and drainage pathways.

Step 4: Dive Deeper

Following your initial protocol, we will delve further into different body systems, focusing on enhancing aspects like gut health, hormones, allergies, the nervous system, mental health, and more. You can choose to work with Dr. Kayla either through a traditional book-as-needed approach or through a more comprehensive package. You will have the option to work with Dr. Kayla in a traditional book as needed model, or in a more inclusive package. 


Follow Up Visit (45 min)

3 Visit Follow Up Visit Package

In person healing treatment


Basic & Advanced Labwork

Professional Grade Supplements: wholesale Fullscript

Herbal Apothecary: custom blended

A Different Approach to Medicine

my approach & toolbox

Conditions I Support

Foundational Health Optimization

Prevention is the best way to approach our health, and to be of of service, we first need to be fit for service. By using cutting edge testing combined with modern + ancient knowledge, we create you a plan to help optimize your health to the highest level.

• Labwork & Functional Health

• Ancestry & DNA

• Epigenetics

• Graceful Aging

• Personalized wellness

Skin & Dermatology

Our skin is often a direct representation of our internal health. It's also the interface between our external and inernal environment and one of our organs of elimination. Skin conditions are one of the most common things affecting empaths and HSP's

• Eczema

• Topical Steroid Withdrawal

• Psoriasis

• Acne

• Candida

Nervous System Imbalances

The nervous system of a highly sensitive person or empath is a very complex and beautiful thing. Because of how deeply you experience the world, you're likely more easily and quickly overstimulated.

• Burnout

• Anxiety/Panic


• Dorsal vagal activation

• Cognitive support

• Fatigue & insomnia

Gut Health

The gut is the seat of our health and our second brain, producing 95% of our serotonin. Utilizing our ancestry, genetics and intuition in selecting a diet is perhaps the most profound thing you can do for your health.


• Constipation // Diarrhea

• Celiac

• Bloating

• Candida



Hormone Balance

Our hormonal cycles are intimatley tied to the subtle cycles of earth as well as the energies of those around us. Many modern day exposures may be affecting the way your hormones are functioning.

• Hormone Dysregulation / Irregular Periods

• Menopause

• Infertility



• Endometriosis

• Birth control syndrome

Allergy & Environment

We live in a toxic world, and even though our body is well equipped to detox, it sometimes gets overwhelmed. Allergies are the manifestation of an over sensitized immune system. 

• Seasonal Allergies (cedar fever, hay fever, pollen)

• Chemical sensitivity

• Post viral syndrome

• EMF sensitivity

• Post vaxx sydrome

• Heavy metal exposure


The complex interaction between our sensitive systems + the toxins, energies, and signals bombarding us today can manifest as autoimmune disease in the highly sensitive person. An Autoimmune condition happens when the body gets confused and starts attacking its own tissues. There are different manifestations of autoimmune conditions, depending on the system involved

• Hashimoto's thyroiditis

• Graves Disease

• Rheumatoid Arthritis

• Crohn's Disease

• Diabetes type

• Multiple Sclerosis

Treatment Toolbox

Naturopathic/Functional Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a system of medicine rooted in science and nature. We are well trained in anatomy and physiology, health and disease but often view this from a different perspective.

Personalized Nutrition & Diet

Nutrition and diet are at the forefront of any well rounded approach to health, however there is no one diet fits all for eczema and TSW. I am a proponent of intuitive eating, teaching you how to learn which foods are ACTUALLY right for your body rather than trusting some website on the internet.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine, also known as herbal medicine, stretches back to ancient times. It can come in many different forms (teas, liquid extracts, pills, essential oils etc.) and have incredible therapeutic benefits on the body. Plants are the original pharmaceuticals - many medications are based on the molecular structure of plants, after all. Herbal medicine is a powerful, effective, and less toxic way to achieve powerful results.

Nutraceuticals and Orthomolecular Medicine

If possible, I encourage getting your nutrients and medicine from food. However, sometimes supplementation is necessary in order to achieve therapeutic doses that may not be achievable through diet. In addition, our soils are unfortunately becoming depleted of nutrients due to over harvesting and a lack of farming diversity.

Patients will have access to online professional grade dispensary of high quality supplements​

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine is an ancient system of medicine utilizing energy and medicines to unblock energy channels and restore the flow of Qi to the body. This restoration of flow allows the body to synchronize and harmonize with the natural rhythms of the world around it.

Acupuncture, acupressure, herbals, foods, and auricular therapy are all examples of this.

Bioresonance & Frequency Medicine

We are all vibration (this isn't hippy stuff - this is quantum science). Bioresonance is the interaction between a living organism and its frequency patterns. By utilizing these frequnecy patterns, we can use non-invasive bio-energetic resonance medicines to restructure the cellular integrity of the body. Some examples are light therapy, sound therapy, homeopathy, frequency specific microcurrent etc.

Prescriptive Rights (British Columbia)

Although I am NOT licensed to prescribe medicine for coaching clients,  I am trained and licensed to prescribe pharmaceutics in British Columbia, which has provided me with a foundational knowledge of medications, including their uses, side effects, and interactions with other pharmaceuticals as well as herbs and any of the above listed modalities. Please always disclose any current medications.

Neuroscience, Soul, Gene Keys

Gene Keys & Human Design

The Gene Keys are a living wisdom. These are teachings to imbibe, contemplate and apply in your daily life. As you allow them to percolate inside you, one by one your troubles will begin to fall away, and you will find yourself inhabiting a new and brighter life.

A potent field of understanding based on Quantum physics, genetics,Yoga, ancient Chinese philosophy, and cosmology. The best synthesis of systems I have found to help add a deeper layer of knowing to our existence.

Neuroscience & Quantum Understanding

As technology and science continues to intersect, we begin to see the influence of our nervous system over our reality. When we learn how to understand the language of our nervous system, and we become aware of our genetic blueprint and higher purpose, we can really start to apply this knowledge to the quantum realm - and effectively literally dictate our reality.

Universal Laws & the Neuroscience of Mindset

There are certain universal laws that are present, and I utilize these in my approaches for a “work smarter, not harder” plan. I also blend these principles with the science of our nervous system and mindset, which are the interface of what allows us to create our reality. When we understand these principles and patterns, we can live according to our design and work with the flow, not against it.


Lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise, and stress management can significantly impact eczema symptoms. Getting enough quality sleep, regular exercise, and effective stress management techniques can help support the body's natural healing processes. Naturopathic doctors may also recommend other lifestyle changes such as reducing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, or reducing exposure to blue light from electronic devices to help improve overall skin health.

Environment, Biotherapeutic Drainage & Hydrotherapy

Environmental factors such as allergens, toxins, and pollutants can contribute to eczema symptoms. Identifying and reducing exposure to these factors can be an essential component of a successful eczema treatment plan. I have a special interest & advanced training in molecular detoxification.

Mindset, Nervous System, Intuition

A HUGE part of my approach is focusing on the mind, nervous system, and intuitive connection. My background is in Neuroscience and I also teach Yoga, so I love to integrate these understandings into my program. Much of TSW and skin conditions is rooted in trauma, and while this course isn’t to heal deep seated wounds, it can highlight the role these are playing in your life and healing and get you on the right path to healing.

The Medicine Wheel & ReWilding

The Medicine Wheel is symbol or way of understanding utilized by many indigenous tribes and cultures. At its core it denotes harmony with nature, self, community, and spirit. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions.: it symbolizes the cycle of life, without beginning or end, and provides guidance for living. While the Medicine Wheel varies by culture, it universally honours the core belief that all things on earth are living and all things are interconnected. The four directions, as taught through Native American knowledge, are deeply embedded with symbolism and guidance for transformation:


Foundational Screening Labs

• Hematology (CBC + diff, ferritin, TIBC)

• Metabolic (calcium, glucose, phosphorus, HbA1c)

• Thyroid (TSH, FreeT3, FreeT4, Anti TPO)

• Inflammatory/Cardiac (hs-crp, fibrinogen)

• Electrolytes (K+, Na+, Cl-, bicarb)

• Liver (albumin, bilirubin [total and direct]

• ALP, GGT, ALT, AST, LDH, total protein)

• Kidney (creatinine, uric acid, BUN)

• Lipids (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TG)

Specialized Functional Labs

• Food, food additives and environmental sensitivity/allergy testing

• Stool testing (pathogen screens, comprehensive digestive stool • analysis)

• Adrenal testing (4 point salivary cortisol and DHEA testing)

• Female and Male Hormone Testing (blood, saliva and urine)

• SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) breath testing

• Candida testing

• Genetic (Nutrigenomix) testing

• Celiac testing

• Nutritional deficiencies

• Heavy metals

• Organic acids testing (urine metabolites)

• Environmental allergy skin prick testing

Gut permeability testing (aka Leaky gut)

Functional Genomics & DNA

DNA sequencing allows us to identity unique codes that may directly affect how you experience the world. 

Using SelfDecode labs, this test checks DNA variants that affect your health and translate this into a genetic risk score that tells you how your genetic risk compares to others.

With this information, we can truly tailor your approach.


Virtual or in Person?

I am fully telehealth enabled in my practice and employ mail-in functional medicine testing where samples can be collected at home or your local lab. This means I can work with anyone in the USA or Canada.


I see clients in person in Austin, TX

Is Labwork Included?

Not in the intitial package, but Functional labwork and baseline labs are available for those in the USA and are included in the upgrade package.

Let's Chat about the Details →

What Comes After the Initial Visit?

You will have the opportunity to join a concierge medicine container, if space is available OR you can choose to schedule a follow up as needed, like a traditional style doctor.

Who is this for?

If you are ready to:

Elevate your health to the next level, in EVERY way possible.

Physical health comes with a close integration between our biology, our stories, and the world around us. Health exists in many realms beyond the physical. If you want an approach that takes into account your DNA, ancestry, upbringing, and energy. You want a truly holistic approach.

Connect. Deeply and with Purpose.

When you focus on healing yourself, you tap into a deep reserve of self compassion—which helps you feel connected to humanity. That connection is incredibly empowering.

Heal thyself, connect the world.

When you focus on healing yourself, you tap into a deep reserve of self compassion—which helps you feel connected to humanity. That connection is incredibly empowering.

Commit to your own health & mastery

During a time of chaos an uncertainty, all we can really do is remain grounded in our purpose and our principles. Changing the current paradigm begins with each individual dedicating themselves to the path of self mastery--with the purpose of sharing their gifts with the world.

... Then this approach is for you

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Why Are you Different?

Think of me not only as your personal health care practitioner - but also your cheering section, momentum coach, and support system.

My goal is to lead you through what is supposed to be a complicated process and make it simple and streamlined. Leave out the guesswork, questions, and uncertainty and let me support you through this transformative work. Because I only work with a small number of clients per month, this container remains high touch and highly integrative. If you're invited to work with me, it's because I know we can make magic happen.

My approaches include naturopathic support, quantum coaching, intuitive guidance, and community healing. You can expect elements of modern medicine, functional lab work, neuroscience, Gene Key readings, and new + ancient technology.

Click here to learn more about what I support & my approach

Please note, although I am a licensed ND, I will NOT acting as your primary care doctor in this capacity. My role is to help you understand and achieve success in health, but you will still need a PCP to handle your medical care.

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What is Your Approach to Creating Protocols

Step 1: Investigations

This step is about unfolding your story and starting to recognize the physical, mental, and archetypal patterns. This is the largest piece in unfolding your trajectory. In my practice this is a 2 hour initial visit + functional labwork (optional)

Step 2: Foundational Health

This is the health piece - its all about supporting specific body systems out of balance - gut, metabolic, detox, hormonal, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, mindset, purpose, trauma, etc. Expect elements of modern naturopathic medicine, botanicals, traditional asian medicine, gene keys & DNA, micro current, diet and supplements, etc.

Step 3: Reprogramming Neurobiology

Using techniques based in modern neuroscience and ancient knowledge, we work to restore and restructure the proper functioning of the nervous system and unlock the power of your mind & body connection..

Step 4: Intuition, Integration, Expansion

When we learn how to understand the language of ancestry, biology, and nervous system, we can use it as a powerful guide to not only our health but our purpose as whole. It's time to step into your power and true gifts by learning how to speak directly with your intuition. This may include elements of quantum physics, Gene Keys, Human Design, TBM, or alternate ways of understanding.

What Is Coaching?

I am a certified quantum coach.

Quantum coaching is a relatively new niche in the coaching field and represents a unique opportunity for those who are on the path of self mastery, with the purpose of stepping into their power & sharing their gifts with the world. 

These people are interested in not only optimizing thier health, but doing the work to unravel the layers that come with the inevitable shifts in consciousness & awakening. 

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Can You Guarantee Results?

Unfortunately not.

I believe deeply in my teachings and the foundations of health, but

everybody's situation and root cause is completely different.

This course will teach you about foundational health, in the context of your skin and beyond. If you take these principles and run with them, combined with the right mindset, you can thrive.

Working with me 1-1 gives me the chance to assess your unique situation and create a unique healing protocol for you. If you're interested in working with me, I invite you to book a discovery call.

What is a Naturopathic Doctor?

Learn more about Naturopathic Medicine here 

Please note, while I am a licensed ND, our relationship will be from that of a coaching nature. I will not be diagnosing conditions or act as your primary care provider. My goal is to help you become sovereign & independant in your health.

Can I Work with you if I'm seeing another Doctor?

Yes - I am happy to work in conjunction with other Doctors or act as another set of eyes.

Let's Chat about the Details →

We Are Designed to Be Well, but We Lost Our Way...

You are a catalyst for change.

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